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Scottsdale Chiropractor Dr. Tony Montoya
Call Today (602) 954-2447


Scottsdale Chiropractor Dr. Anthony Montoya at Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Arizona provides 3-d x-ray views of the spine not attainable from traditional films, MRI or CT studies.  These exams provide critical information on spinal alignment to determine misalignment present in the spine and customized adjustments are designed based on your own unique anatomy. Dr. Anthony Montoya is a licensed medical professional who practices the life-changing Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique.

His patients praise him for helping to improve or eliminate their painful and progressive ailments by applying the Blair technique and other chiropractic treatment protocols. At his Phoenix, chiropractic office, Dr. Montoya’s compassionate care helps patients live healthier, happier lives. Dr. Montoya has been a practicing Upper Cervical Chiropractor since 2001 when he obtained his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles.

Before chiropractic school, Dr. Montoya attended and received a B.S. degree from Arizona State University. After graduating from chiropractic college, Dr. Montoya initially practiced the traditional “twist and crack” techniques that people typically associate with chiropractic care. However, it wasn’t until he incorporated the Blair technique into his treatment protocols that he was able to see lasting, life-changing results for his patients.

Dr. Montoya has been a believer in the healing power of chiropractic from a young age. He saw his mother healed of the chronic, debilitating migraines she experienced for years after a head-on car accident. As a teenager, he also experienced relief from his own chronic lower back pain after only a few chiropractic visits.

It was these interactions that sparked his interest in chiropractic as a career. He observed how much his chiropractor enjoyed his profession and never considered it a chore.

When patient’s ailments have not responded to conventional medical treatments, Dr. Montoya’s upper cervical Phoenix chiropractic care can often help them recover and return to their active lifestyles. A dedicated and caring medical professional, Dr. Montoya’s passion is to ease suffering and raise awareness of the Blair technique.
Call for an appointment today at 602 954-2447.

Call for an appointment today (602) 954-2447

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